All Classes and Interfaces
The Enum ACCESS_LEVEL allows the user to specify who or what is entited to read which files
Article - An example Entity to persist to a DB,
it uses the jakarta persistance @Column annotation to name the database table
for each non transient and non static field
An Annotation for an Entity in Maj ORM that is additional to the jakarta persistance,
it automatically populates a created or update database entry with the time of creation
or modficatioln
A simple based entity that has the basic info about when a database entry was
created or modified and by who
The base entity any Maj DB entity is a super class of
include integer id for sql dbs and a UUID for cassandra
and a created, modified and deleted dates to provide
a audit trail of usage of the data
The Cassandra Connector - Contected the Maj DB ORM to an Optional Number of Cassandra Databases
A spring style run time bean that passes the cassandra state according to weather the
active spring profiles include "mock-cass" or not
Spring configuration, mocks up a empty cassandra connection if
the spring profile "mock-cass" is active
CassandraState sets weather a cassandra connection with be tried by the ORM
Mocks a cassandra result set
Category - An example Entity to persist to a DB,
it uses the jakarta persistance @Column annotation to name the database table
for each non transient and non static field
An exception indicating a encrypted database in the database was not able ot be encrypted or
For automatically rotating crypto keys in the databaze, these are env variables
that may rotated the crypto keys for any encryted data in the DB
Enum DatabaseVariant
For any set of DBCreds specify the database type
THe is a help class for storing blob data in the database
Specifies the version of all the entities in the same package and directory
the entities will not be read or written to the db if the version here is higher than
the environment version number
Feed it uses the jakarta persistance @Column annotation to name the database table
for each non transient and non static field
Maj Datasource - Generic Datasourcer for any surported database type
Used with Spring DB Health Indicators, to show weather the database connections are active
Unique name of a datasource to use
This class represents a factory to create database connections using any of the credentials
in the DBEnvSetup class of database from the environment
Help hold the generated keys for an insered new database object in spring jdbc
An Slf4 based logger, that inlines the function where the error occured
An example persisted entity for a database
An example table of names of the tables each entity is persisted too
NOte the entityversion annotation, the Environment may spefic a version
below the version list in the direcory, and if so the entire directory
will be ignored for persistance, enabled rolling back DB changes without
changing the code
An Example persisted entity in a package directory with a higher version number
if the ENV version is below 2 the entities in the directory will not be persisted
A timed result from either sql or cassanara
Replaced with Guava
An example user class for persistance
Helper SQL to join to user table to populate named of creating or modifying users
An example user persistance entity