Package com.majorana.maj_orm.entities.ex1
package com.majorana.maj_orm.entities.ex1
ClassDescriptionArticle - An example Entity to persist to a DB, it uses the jakarta persistance @Column annotation to name the database table for each non transient and non static fieldThe base entity any Maj DB entity is a super class of include integer id for sql dbs and a UUID for cassandra and a created, modified and deleted dates to provide a audit trail of usage of the dataCategory - An example Entity to persist to a DB, it uses the jakarta persistance @Column annotation to name the database table for each non transient and non static fieldFeed it uses the jakarta persistance @Column annotation to name the database table for each non transient and non static fieldAn example table of names of the tables each entity is persisted too NOte the entityversion annotation, the Environment may spefic a version below the version list in the direcory, and if so the entire directory will be ignored for persistance, enabled rolling back DB changes without changing the codeAn example user class for persistanceAn example user persistance entity