Our Projects


Feed Distiller

Feed Distiller is our current base project. Its a web service which allows any user to enter a list of blog feeds and reference pages. Feed Distiller then regularly scans the blog feeds creating an output blog with only the items matching the reference pages. Its a simple and effective way of distilling the valuable information out of blogs items.

FD Reader App

The Feed Reader is an off shoot of our Feed Distiller project. It is a React Native Android App to read RSS and ATOM feeds, it is integrated with Post news items to twitter and see the recent replies.

Majorana ORM

Majorana ORM for Java

An ORM [Object Relational Mapper] for Java to Cassandra, MySQL etc and Microsoft SQL Server Simultaneous

It expands on the Jakarta Persistance Annotations with extra Annotations for autopopulating create and modification times, and easy CRUD [Create, Read, Updated, Delete] methods for simple operations. Beta Free Library, with additioal paid tools, for automated backup, and failover to spare Database as premium products to come.

Git Hub Source


Axial Force Games

This is our games sub divisions making android games for mobile phones.

Virii Attack - Android

Android Game, based on shooting bats and virii, and collect keys to exit a 64 screen maze.

Virii Attack - IOS

IOS Game, based on shooting bats and virii, and collect keys to exit a 64 screen maze.

Tavern Cat

Chase mice and collect keys to exit a 64 screen maze.